When you leave after being on a church planting team or on staff or higher up in leadership, it is hard to find your bearings. You are taught that if you burn out, it is because you are walking by the flesh instead of by the Spirit. So it must be your fault. You don't hear God. You failed. I have come to realize that the system sets people up to fail and has little to do with the personality of God. I have come to realize that there are many theological problems at Antioch. There are other problems with the church structure that cause issues. I will try to discuss those as best I can. I am not a biblical scholar or think I have a new dogma to preach to others.
I think healing can come when people realize there are others like them. They can move on in their spiritual journey. I don't think it is unbiblical to criticize the church or a specific church. Peter and Paul disagreed strongly and publicly. Paul and Barnabas disagreed to the point of breaking relationship. Paul's letters are surprisingly cutting at specific congregations of new believers. I think it is important to dissent in order to grow.
So far, I have tried to be vague in discussing specific people other than senior leaders. I don't really hold specific people responsible for the mess. I think most of the leadership is full of integrity, but misguided. I think Jimmy was attracted to some of the strangest teachings in the charismatic movement, and coupled with his charismatic personality has created something unique. I think God works through it the way that he works through a 1,000 other imperfect types of ministries. I also think He is there to bind up the brokenhearted after they leave.
I welcome all of your comments and hope to learn from them.